This is a good retro to gauge the feelings of the team and to get some quick actions which can be taken.
Instructions for running successfully
Create a presentation or print out cards with the following statements on
Show one statement at a time and ask each person to complete it with a few words or a sentence
Go round the room and ask each person to provide their answer
The group should then choose which answer/s they want to discuss further
Encourage discussion on any actions which can be taken
Take note of any actions and chase up during the sprint
Sentence Suggestions:
This sprint I have felt ….
I think the strongest part of our build is…
I feel blocked by …
I would like to improve my knowledge/skills in …
Something stopping me being even more productive is …
Next sprint I want to improve my …
If I could, I would make the standups ….
I feel the reviews are …
I feel the retros are …
This weekend I am …