This retro is a simple one to run and useful for teams who are looking to get a quick view on what's not working well within the company/team/system.
Instructions for running successfully
I usually start off by telling an abridged version of the story tale since not all cultures have this story or the same version. You can find a quick version on:
Each person then thinks of two item for each house type:
Straw - what are we building or what processes do we have that could break at any moment and are therefore brittle like the straw house.
Wood - what are we building or what processes do we have that could break in a few months or if anything notable changes and are therefore like the wood hosue which eventually topples down?
Brick - what are we building or what processes do we have that should serve us well for years to come and that we're proud of?
Then go around the room for each house and ask the person to outline what two items they have chosen.
Promote discussion and note down any actions.