Instructions for running successfully
Ask each person to think of one; tool, process, build artefact, way of working etc which matches the categories below. You can choose some or all of these categories depending on specific items you want to tease out for the team, number of people in the retro or duration for the retro.
Pie in the Sky - What are we trying to do which feels impossible (and how can we make it more achievable)
Humble Pie (brag) - What have you done recently which others might not have known about but which was pretty damn good
As Nice as Pie - A compliment for someone else’s work recently
A Finger in No-Pies - What are we forgetting to do?
To Pie - Something we want to stop doing
Pi - Something which seems to be going round in circles
Then go around the room and ask for each person's response
Encourage discussion and note down any actions which can be taken