This is a fun retro format to mix up the more traditional sessions.
Instructions for running successfully
Create n statements (where n is the number of people in the retro) such as:
Our communication is ...
The best thing we've built is ...
The most risky part of our build is ...
We're most blocked by ...
Our biggest challenge as a team is ...
Put onto cards or a presentation
Reveal to the team and ask them to finish with a single word or short sentence and send/give to you privately
Then one person steps up at a time and must try to guess 3 words/short sentences which complete a statement
If they guess correctly then they win a point and this sound should be played:
If they guess incorrectly then they don't get a point and this sound should be played:
After each person has guessed their 3 options for the statement, open discussions for the wider group and note any actions