This is a classic retro format and good to surface actions if they team are feeling blocked.
Instructions for running successfully
Ask each person to think of 3 things which are currently helping them achieve their goals (the fire that lifts the balloon up). These could be tools, ways of working, specific systems, interactions etc
Ask each person to think of 3 things which are currently holding them back (the sandbags which pull the balloon down). These could be tools, ways of working, specific systems, interactions etc
N.b if the group is quite large then each person can write down 1 or 2 items instead.
Starting with the fire items, ask each person to read out their items and encourage discussion to find any actions which may need to be taken.
N.b you want to spend less time on this section than the sandbag items since it's more likely there will be actions from those
Then move onto the sandbag items and ask each person to read out their items. Encourage discussion to find any actions which may need to be taken.
Note actions and chase up progress during the sprint